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On you can enter your LINUX Events like Linux-Presentation-Day, Linux-Day and other, else List of LUG\`s. The Site show you witch events near to you, you can get the datas for your homepage (exporter) and more.
Try it, love it, spread it.
Datenbank internationaler LINUX-Veranstaltungen / Database of international LINUX-Events, like Linux-Presentation-Day (LPD), Linux-Day and more. And with LUGsList. Find it, love it, spread it!
Übersicht der weltweiten Veranstaltungen zum Thema LINUX und Linux-Presentation-Day / LPD, Eintragen, verwalten und suchen von Veranstaltungen und Veranstaltern, sowie LUGs (Linux-User-Group's) und Koordinationsstellen.
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Forschung Technik Datenbank LINUX LUGsList Event Events
Karte, Plan, Datenbank, Search and announce LINUX Theme entrys, Linux-User-Group, LUG, LUGsList, Coordination, List of LUG's, LINUX Event, LINUX Events