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Datenbank internationaler LINUX-Veranstaltungen / Database of international LINUX-Events, like Linux-Presentation-Day (LPD), Linux-Day and more. And with LUGsList. Find it, love it, spread it!
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What is this?:The Platform linuxevents.org was designed and implemented by FKN-Systems for the Linux Presentation Day in order to give a visual overview of the different events and document its dimensions. Time has shown that the platform is more useful when open for everybody, so now everyone can enter and manage their own events. A history function automatically archives past events, thus providing a visual time line of all events for later viewing. It is furthermore possible to use the exporter under Exporter for easily embedding an overview of regional or otherwise labelled events into an external web site, automatically using the most up-to-date data. So by sharing events a pool is created that can be used by anyone. This increases the visibility of the single events and provides a simple method for users to search for events near them.
License:General usage of the site is governed by the indicated copyrights and the rules below. When data from us or the Exporter is being used, mention of our URL "linuxevents.org" is mandatory (CC BY 3.0).
Rules:The topic of entered events shall be: LINUX, OSS, Free Software, Free Hardware, and similar subjects. All inadequate or offensive content will be deleted. There is no warranty of any kind. This site retains the right to delete any entry without cause. Illegal content will be reported to the authorities and handed over upon judicial order. By entering data (eg. events) the registrant consents to the processing of that data for the purpose of publishing and republishing, also on other platforms. Continued usage of this platform constitutes consent to these rules. Should rules be in conflict with applicable law, the legal provision closest in meaning and purpose to the conflicting rule shall be applied in its stead. The legal invalidity of single rules shall not invalidate the other rules (severability clause).
Some Tips for using:Use directlink: "https://Linux-Events.org/DL_ab8fff966f435a26b44b15ab47e571b6"
Get future (+200 days) presentations: "https://Linux-Events.org/?&c=presentation=LPD;%2B200"
You should delete older Entrys (+1 Year), them are into Archive too.

More usefull help also on: https://l-p-d.org/faq/leo

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